Miss Maddie still is crying at night about being left alone in the crate downstairs. :(
She has not pooped since Friday afternoon, so off to the store I will go for some pumpkin. One tablespoon to provide fiber. The Vet said it takes 72 hours for the surgery drugs to leave her system and these same drugs can cause constipation.
Because she has not pooped every time she barks at night I think, maybe she has to poop! NOT!! I slept with her last night (I in the lazyboy, she in her crate) and she made a few little sounds and then not a peep out of her! My main concern right now is the constipation though
She has started to put some weight on her left leg if she is on the grass or the carpet. Still three legs or toe touching on hard surfaces. Drinking, eating, sleeping, wanting out of the room all normal. Sutures (staples) still looking clean and good. Have caught her licking them, so e-collar is a must when not supervised.
Currently she is snoring away and that is the report for now.
1 comment:
Oh poor Maddie...
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