
All information provided is purely the opinion of the author and should not be considered medical advice.

Monday, June 25, 2012

6 Week Post Op X-ray - UPDATED

Well Miss Maddie has been cleared for Phase 2 of her recovery. The x-ray looked good, but healing was a little slow, so for phase 2 we will walk her for 5 - 7 days at  1/4 to 1/2 mile before increasing the length, rather than increasing at 3-5 days. The surgeon and our vet is happy with the results so far.

It has been VERY hot upper 90s to 102 degrees so we have yet to walk her outside. We will start soon and walk her at a slow pace to the end of the block and back. If she shows no signs of pain or limping after doing this for 5 - 7 days we can walk farther, gradually increasing the length up to the 16 week post op date. Then she should be fully healed and muscles developed, etc. and she will be free to do stairs and go out in the back yard without a leash and have free reign of the house again. She will be soooo happy!!

UPDATE: I decided to add a photo or two.

Here is Miss Maddie lying with here left rear leg (surgery knee) behind here. Undercoat seems to have grown in and she is now working on the outer layer. They shaved her rear end curls off on one side too! I noticed some are coming in gray, but I told here she could just sit on them!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Why I love my dad by Maddie M.

I love my dad (and mom too)  because he gives me lots of head rubs and belly rubs, he calls me a good girl, gives me milkbones (although I notice since my surgery I only get half a bone) he is just a nice human. Now the big reason I love my dad is that he forgets to close the baby gate that keeps me in the family room!! Sunday I made it into the kitchen (up 6 steps) and this morning I made it into the master bedroom (up another 6 steps). Boy was mom surprised when she came out of the bathroom to see me greeting her. I gave her my best wiggley butt greeting and tried to stay non-chalant so she'd think this was the new norm, but noooo. She said, as she grabbed my collar, "Why Maddie what are you doing up here?"

She got me safely downstairs despite my trying to run down them like a shot, and watched me walk around to see if I had a limp again. I did not, and did not cry as I went down so we hope all is well.

I wonder what nice thing dad will do next???

Monday, June 11, 2012

I made it into the Kitchen!!

Yesterday while dad was not looking and had left the gate open, I went up stairs (6 steps) into the kitchen!!!! If it was not for those darned wooden steps and kitchen floor I could have been more sneaky, but dad heard me and got me back safe and sound into the family room.

Mom is sometimes a messy cook and I find all kinds of goodies along the baseboards. I was so close to checking things out!

Yesterday for some unknown reason they decided to move my crate closer to the fireplace and more out of the traffic zone. That is ok, but it is sitting on one of my favorite places to sleep (out in the open). I heard them mention that dad's mom was coming for a visit and this would allow more room for (ALL of ) us to get around and for her to sit in the lazyboy. I like it when we have company, more people to forget to close the gates!!

Note from mom: Maddie's little trip up and down the stairs does not seem to have hurt her any. She walks and sits like she did before. Not much news here on the recovery front, just waiting for the 6 week x-ray to see how much healing there is so far. June 21 is the 6 week mark so I hope to have a good report then.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Good News at 3 Weeks post op

Yesterday was 3 weeks post op and Maddie has been doing GREAT. She has resigned herself to being cooped up and only out on leash for potty breaks - but we still keep our guard up!!

Last night I noticed when she sat her left knee did not splay out like it did pre-surgery and a bit post surgery. That seems to be very good news indeed. So I tried to get her picture, but she started to lay down just as I took it! Darn dog! But you can still see how straight her left leg is.

Happy days to you all!